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Headphunk – phunk your head a little bit

Headphunk – phunk your head a little bit



Like many of you, when I hear the name Headphunk, only one thing comes to mind. Someone had a great idea but had to censor it to appease some big-mouthed person out there. Okay, maybe not big-mouthed but you know how small-minded our society can be as it relates to certain things. Now that I have your attention, not that the word Headphunk alone did not grab it, let us focus on what Headphunk is and why we need to phunk your head a little bit.

Headphunk is a movement that promotes the development of creative arts in Saint Lucia. The movement was born out of the need to create a platform for poets and writers for them to showcase their work. The core component of Headphunk was mainly literary-based but has since grown to accommodate other elements of the arts, such as music, painting, photography, fashion, sculpting, film, animation and dance. The name Headphunk speaks for itself as a representation of how the masses feel during a revolution. Some of you may ‘get it’, while some of you will sit for days confused. Needless to say, Headphunk represents liberation of the mind – euphoria after a state of oppression.

The Headphunk family is made up of the artists and the audience, which is increasing as the movement presses on. November 2009 marked the first official Headphunk showcase held at the now-closed Charms Café in Castries. As the momentum started to build however, a new venue had to be sourced. The movement had outgrown its first home and ironically in August 2010, with the theme for that month dubbed, “The Movement”, the showcase was housed at the grotto at Samaan’s Park. The warmth of that new home was short-lived as hurricane Tomas had some plans of its own, which wiped out what had become a place of recreation for many – what had become home. Headphunk now culminates on the last Thursday of every month at Samaan’s Park. Headphunk is absolutely free and can be attended by “anybody and everybody”.

Headphunk is managed by the five original members and has been financed primarily by its members from inception. In spite of the economic challenges and lack of corporate sponsorship, the showcase is put on every month and keeps improving. They have tried to be as self-sufficient as possible, as members of the Headphunk family lend their assistance in services, talents and kind. If this is not persistence at its best and a real appreciation for the arts, then I dare anyone to say otherwise.

Some artists who have been featured on the Headphunk stage include renowned performers: Kendal Hippolyte, Adrian Augier, Boo Hinkson, Robert Lee, Shane Ross, Kaylon Lovence, Jane Hippolyte, Flora-Jesse Leonce, Yannick James and Claudius Medouze and Nadia Huggins to name a few. Many opportunities have been created for young artists who have graced the Headphunk stage, as persons have acknowledged them for their talents and seen their potential in developing a career.

The vision for Headphunk is that all artists from Saint Lucia will become part of the movement. The hope is that the movement can reach everyone in Saint Lucia and become a


brand; so that when someone speaks or hears about Headphunk, it will resonate in his or her mind. It is also important that the group can continue to make a significant difference in the development of the arts movement here in Saint Lucia. The founders would also like to see the movement branch out regionally and become a brand in the other islands. Whilst the group is not yet affiliated with other literary groups outside of Saint Lucia, their connections are far-reaching. There have been international artists who have graced the stage and partnerships have been formed since the inception of the group.

Headphunk is no stranger to magazine features. In addition to being in this glossy – the very first issue of Dazzle, Headphunk was featured in the very first issue of the Arc Magazine – a Caribbean Art and Culture publication.

I have personally experienced Headphunk on all fronts and it has been an experience of a lifetime. There is so much talent here in Saint Lucia just waiting to be discovered. I must applaud the founders of Headphunk for putting this movement together, for their sheer determination and commitment to the arts movement in Saint Lucia. I urge all Saint Lucians, regardless of creed or religion, both young and old to come out on the last Thursday of every month to support Headphunk. To the corporate houses that are continuously in search of a worthwhile venture, you have yet to see the desire, talents and expertise of our artists. Be a part of the movement, lend your support and who knows, you may one day become an honourary Headphunker.