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Callbacks in the Working World

Callbacks in the Working World

In many walks of life, it’s common for professionals to find work in their fields based on ‘who they know’. While that is true for the most part, there’s also the fact that you simply must be easy to work with. You could know everyone in the industry, and everyone can know you but what makes people want to collaborate with you is your attitude on the job as a professional.

So where do you start? If the saying ‘time is money’ holds true, then PUNCTUALITY is up first. In any industry, being committed to being on time and keeping your word is a lot more valuable than you might think. Making a habit out of showing up late does more harm than good and in some cases the effects may be irreversible. As an example, if you’re part of a team that needs to shoot an interview with the CEO of a big company, there’s no room for late arrivals and retakes. But, if you make it your business to be on time and get things rolling early, it’ll help you get your work done more efficiently as well as improve your chances on getting called back for the next gig.

The next point worth highlighting is KNOWING YOUR JOB. It’s all good when you can do your assigned tasks with ease and a knowledge of how everything that you do works. However, issues may arise when you attempt to step out of your zone and tell everyone else how they should do their job. Making suggestions should be accepted and probably even greatly appreciated… but there’s a fine line between giving useful pointers and dictating the details with others on your team.

The third and final one is BE READY TO LEARN. In collaborative projects there’s always something to learn, whether it’s about what you’re doing or about something else you might be interested in. Being open to learning and growing while working with others is not only beneficial for you, but it also shows that you’re driven by growth. And that in itself, is something that everyone favours in people that they work with.