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Don’t Text and Drive – It Could Kill You!

Don’t Text and Drive – It Could Kill You!


It’s a Saturday night and you feel like taking a drive across town. So you get dressed, kiss your loved ones goodnight and you’re ready to roll! You hop into your car and you’re on the go!

You’re now on the Millennium Highway and suddenly your phone makes that famous Messenger alert! Now in your mind you’re wondering, ‘Should I get it? What if I do, it’s only just answering a text right?’ But did you know it would be your last texting moments before you ran into that street lighting pole on the side of the road?

This is a serious matter which I think should be pondered over a lot more. As technology has gotten smarter, people seem to have gotten a bit dumber, no offense. Studies have shown that more than 11 teenagers die each day due to driving and texting. Now isn’t that some scary stuff to think about?
textinganddriving3Did you know that in North America in 2012, 3,238 people died in vehicular accidents because of texting and driving? Lord, please put a hand and let us come to our senses before technology takes over and breaks this world apart!

But there is a solution for every problem. Do I believe that we can reduce the death rate from texting while driving? Yes, I believe everything is possible. However I DO believe that it would take a while to re-adjust our thinking process to deal with this issue. So what can we do about it? Well, first thing is that we must give clear instructions to teenage drivers, especially the newly licensed ones. We need to stress the fact that people should not drive and text. We must let them know that taking their eyes off the road for even a split second could cause an accident, resulting in serious injuries or even instant death.

Don’t forget to lead by example. People see what others do and they do it too. No one should text and drive. Be an example to those around you. Let them see that you are pulling over to read your text messages, no matter how much in a rush you may be. Share any information that you’ve obtained on the dangers of driving and texting with friends and family and everyone else that you can, even with nearby schools; don’t hesitate to distribute it there as well.

I hope we make a change in this horrible plague of ignorance and indifference. It is killing our people. It’s a tragedy that can so easily be avoided. The bottom line is when you’re driving, you should not be texting! No taking your eyes off the road. Let us build a better future, not destroy it.