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How to Make a Great Impression While Networking

How to Make a Great Impression While Networking

Now more than ever, it’s important for entrepreneurs and their brands to continuously build a solid network throughout the lifespan of their business. If your field of expertise is in web design, you should build a network of people who are in that field, as well as similar fields. The same rule applies for virtually every other career ecosystem.

Get Straight to the Point

Before you go off to network with others,it’s important to have a plan or a goal in mind that will guide you towards what you want to achieve in the end. Doing this will enable you to be brief yet informative, in whatever way you plan on communicating. As the saying goes, ‘Time is money’. No one is happy when they feel like their time is being wasted with unnecessary information that won’t be of any benefit to them. In addition to this, being concise establishes your professionalism and attention to detail, even in such a small way.

Always Listen Attentively

It’s quite easy to ramble on and on about your experiences and everything that you’ve struggled through and accomplished. However, when it comes to building networks, it’s equally important to listen. There are so many reasons besides being courteous why you should listen as much as, or even more than you speak. Most of all, there’s always something to learn and giving someone the chance to speak could enable you to gain insight into some matter that may come up later on in your career. Speaking without listening will cause you to come across as being uninterested in what the other party has to say; which makes your chances of getting referrals much slimmer.

Show Gratitude and Give Back

Building a genuinely solid network includes showing gratitude to those who have helped you along your journey. It can be easy to move forward onto new projects with tons of experience that you’ve gained from your last networking session. However, it’s always wise to be mindful of, and thank, those who’ve helped you achieve that initial success. It takes very little from you to do so and you can reap huge rewards in the future.

Giving back goes hand in hand with showing gratitude. There will always be someone who needs information that you possess, and the reverse is also true. Sharing your knowledge on a particular subject is important for the overall growth of the community, as well as your network. Another form of giving back that can have a huge impact is conducting lectures at various schools. Chances are, someone growing up wants to be in your field later on in life and your insight and encouragement could serve them well and help them achieve their dreams. Those same persons could end up working with you later down the line, so establishing that first connection is a great idea!

These tips about building your network are by no means, exhaustive, but if followed correctly they can give you an advantage when you go out into the field of business!