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Kwame DJ VIPER: Bridging the gap between his dreams and reality

Kwame DJ VIPER: Bridging the gap between his dreams and reality

It all really took off when Kwame Spooner got the chance to DJ at one of his friend’s house parties. Back then he was simply known as DJ Sweet Fudge and only took it up as a hobby because he loved music. Fast forward through countless hours of studying his craft plus experience in the field, DJ Viper is cleverly balancing life as a DJ while chasing his dream of being a lawyer. He’s travelled near and far; to Grenada and New York, as well as Miami… carrying his brand across borders and gaining recognition from prominent New York DJs. There’s more to his epic journey though, here’s what DJ Viper is all about:

How did you establish the DJ Viper brand?

The DJ Viper brand really came into its own about 4 years ago. Originally my name was DJ Sweet Fudge (lol). But my best friend, and I realized that it wasn’t one that people would take seriously, so we did a ton of research and settled on the name DJ Viper, which really stuck to me. Plus, my dad got bitten by a snake one year earlier so that’s another reason I have a connection with the name.

I really began taking it seriously after I did a gig at a friend’s house party. From the minute I started my set up until the end, I had the audience hooked on my style. At the end they told me DO NOT STOP. From then I took off with it as something that’s more than a hobby but instead, a part of my life.

Even though you’ve established your style, who inspired your craft?

I’d listen to the radio a lot. That’s how I got on to Levi Chin, Selector Twis and Hollywood HP (back then it was DJ HP). They didn’t know me back then and I would listen to them every day. My mom even gave me some advice. She said, “you can idolize someone, but work hard so that idol becomes even your rival because before they become your idol they should become your friend” and you only really rival with your friends. For me, HP was the best representation of what DJing in St. Lucia should be, but they all had an influence on who I am today. I don’t consider what I do to be “local”, I try to let my music have an international appeal so that wherever I go, I can match the audience’s expectations.

What’s the most difficult part of being a young St. Lucian DJ?

People don’t always take you seriously. At first glance, I look too young to be a DJ, but after I show what I can do, people gain trust in my ability. But I always motivate myself at the beginning of every show or party, because I see it as an opportunity to show someone new my talent– and that’s exactly what I did. I use my confidence to get over the doubt that comes my way. Balancing a day job as a writer and furthering my dreams of contributing to the judicial system does have its trials, but it’s something I’m getting better at managing overtime.

What are you looking to accomplish in the future?

So far, I’ve played at the hottest clubs in Queens like Mazie Night Club and Club Underground. However, my goal is to bridge the gaps between different musical cultures around the world. I have a love for Soca and EDM…seeing the two come together would really be something amazing, so that’s what I’m working towards.